Department of Anatomy was established in the same year as the medical college under the able guidance of Prof M S Subhadra and further development to its current glory was contributed by various eminent faculty members who have worked in the department since its inception. It is located in the fourth-floor of the college building. It has a well-equipped dissection hall, well-stocked museum, demonstration halls fitted with required audio-visual aids, histology and research laboratories, seminar room, departmental library, office and staff rooms, all arranged around the central quadrangle adorned with its hallmark bust of Hippocrates.
Objectives of the department: The faculty should be able to:
- Train undergraduate and postgraduate students using both traditional and innovative methods.
- Use modern principles of education and the latest curriculum.
- Develop new tools and methods of teaching to impart training effectively.
- Collaborate with other departments, institutions, and disciplines to impart holistic training.
- Promote and participate in basic research and disseminate its results.
- Practice continuous and 360 degree assessment of students and staff and provide feedback.
- Evaluate self and the curriculum periodically to improve training.
- Upgrade the infrastructure and technology used for training and research optimally and prudently.
Objectives for the students:
Cognitive Domain: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Describe the gross features of anatomical structures and organs, explaining the anatomical basis for clinical presentations and procedures.
- Describe the microscopic features of various organs, correlating with functions and changes during diseased conditions.
- Describe the stages of development of various systems and explain the anatomical basis for the congenital anomalies.
- Describe the features of chromosomes, genes, patterns of inheritance, basic genetics procedures and pre-natal diagnostic procedures, explaining the basis for common chromosomal and genetic anomalies.
Psychomotor Domain: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Identify and demonstrate the position, parts, and relations of various anatomical structures and organs.
- Identify the cells, tissue and organs under light microscope.
- Demonstrate the surface marking of clinically important organs.
- Identify the various structures shown by different imaging techniques, demonstrating an understanding of the procedures.
- Identify the developing structures and congenital anomalies in the models.
- Identify the karyotypes or patterns of inheritance.
- Demonstrate the bony landmarks, movements at various joints and actions of various muscles.
- Demonstrate palpation of arterial pulsations.
Attitude and Communication: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate respect in handling the cadaver and human tissue.
- Demonstrate respect towards the patients, clinicians and other healthcare workers during early clinical exposure.
- Communicate effectively with peers, faculty, patients and other staff.
- Demonstrate professionalism through punctuality, integrity, accountability and social responsibility.
- Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member and be a leader in team-based &/or small group activities.
Teaching methods used:
- Didactic lectures
- Interactive lectures
- Hands-on training in cadaver dissection
- Table teaching in dissection hall
- Hands-on training in slide identification in the histology laboratory
- Hands-on training for postgraduate students in the preparation of histology slides
- Early clinical exposure
- E-learning & blended learning using instructional videos developed by its faculty and other online sources, offline virtual slides contributed by the University of Michigan Medical School.
- Interactive lecture in the dissection hall
- Problem-based learning
- Case-based learning
- Self-directed learning
- Small group discussions
- Skill-lab training
- Soft-skill training (AETCOM modules)
- Horizontal and vertically integrated inter-departmental training
- Seminars
- Quizzes
- Poster making
- Journal clubs for postgraduate students
- Research mentoring
Future goals:
- Increase research activities and publications.
- Double the number of museum specimens
- Initiate ‘Live well, leave well’ body donation program.
- Introduce Virtual Dissection.
- Develop fresh tissue, cytogenetics, embryology and neuroanatomy laboratories.
- Add specimens preserved by plastination techniques.