Publications - last 5 years

Sr. No Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver referencing style. Pubmed Indexed Yes/No Scopes
1 Dr. Ushadevi R S 1. Pradeep V, Ushadevi R S .Ease of Access to the Subarachnoid Space its Association with Spinous Process Dimensions, in patients undergoing Spinal Anaesthesia. J.Evid.Based Med.Healthc.2018;5(28),2128-2122. No No
2. Dr.Ajithkumar G,Dr. Geethakumari P, Dr. R S Ushadevi.Lower dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine with dexmeditomedine and conventional dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine for subarachnoid block in lower limb surgeries(Orthopaedic cases) – A compariative study.JMSCR. 2017;5(5):22612-22618. No No
2 Dr. Madhu Velayudhan 1. Velayuden M et al.Coinduction of Dexmedetomidine with Propofol – Haemodynamic Changes in Hypertensive Patients.IJSR,6(2); 2017, 2277 – 8179 No No
2. Sreeja R,Mathew A, Velayuden M.Effect of added alpha 2 agonists with local anesthetic in in infraclavicular brachial plexus block:A comparitive study between dexnedetomidine and clonidine.Anesth Essays Res 2020:14:638-43. Yes No
3. Babu RS, kadamala P, Velayuden M. Effect of intracuff lignocaine versus lignocaine with dexmethasone on endotracheal tube induced emergence phenomena after general anaesthesia- comparitive study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc.2018;5(5),392-396. No No
4. Babu RS, ShajiM, Velayuden M et al. Calcium induced enhanced recovery from muscle relaxants after reversing with neostigmine and glycopyrrolate.J. Evid. Based Med. Jealthc. 2018;5(6), 493-497. No No
5.Sandhya Sudheer, Sonia M Lal*, Madhu Velayudhen, Hasna Ibrahim, Sonu Sabu,Siji K Sasi.Effect of using priming principle on the induction dose requirements of propofol: A randomized controlled trial.J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.2022;13(8):2487-91. No Yes
3 Dr. Sugandha K R 1. Remani S K, Sarath A. Opioid induced hyper analgesia: Epidural Fentanyl followed by IV dexmedetomidene infusion versus IV paracetamol a comparative study. J.Evid.Based Med.Helathc.,2017;4(73),4321-4326. No No
2. Remani S K, Ahammed MA.Cerebral Lactate during general anaesthesia- A Comparison between maintenance of anaesthesia with sevoflurane and with propofol infusion.J.Evid.Based Med.Healthc.2017;4(77),4550-4554. No No
3. Dr. Rajan Babu et al.Comparison of Lignocaine, Diltiazem and Combination for controlling the cardiovascular response to tracheal intubation –A cohort study. JMSCR.2017;5(9),27382-27388 No No
4. R Babu S, Sugandha K R. Comparison between preloading and coloading with 6% hydroxy ethyl starch in preventing spinal hypotension in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy under combined spinal epidural block. IJSR.2021;10(5),52-53. No No
4 Dr. Suresh Babu R 1. R Babu Suresh,Dr. Sivakumar Pillai, Dr. shyam Sankar. Bupivacaine with magnesium sulphate Vs Bupivacaine alone in transversus abdominis plane block for postoperative analgesia in total abdominal hysterectomy patients: A randomised control trial. IJSR. 2021;10(4),36-38.


2. SM Linu et al . Endotracheal intubations in Emergency department: A Clinical audit at a tertiary health centre in south India. Albanian journal of trauma and emergency surgery.2021;5/2, 842-848. No No
3. R Babu S, Sugandha K R. Comparison between preloading and coloading with 6% hydroxy ethyl starch in preventing spinal hypotension in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy under combined spinal epidural block. IJSR.2021;10(5),52-53. No No
4. Babu RS, kadamala P, Velayuden M. Effect of intracuff lignocaine versus lignocaine with dexmethasone on endotracheal tube induced emergence phenomena after general anaesthesia- comparitive study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc.2018;5(5),392-396. No No
5. Babu RS, ShajiM, Velayuden M et al. Calcium induced enhanced recovery from muscle relaxants after reversing with neostigmine and glycopyrrolate. J. Evid. Based Med. Jealthc. 2018;5(6), 493-497. No No
5 Dr. Reshma Sugathan 1. Reshma Sugathan, Anu Antony. Comparison of epidural levo bupivacaine (0.5%) with racemic bupivacaine (0.5%) for lower abdominal surgery. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2019;6(5):E14- E18.

2. Reshma Sugathan, Sumesh Raj. Efficacy of intracuff dexamethasone in reducing the incidence of post operative sore throat: an original article. 2019;7(5):1665-1669. No No
6 Dr. Sivakumar R Pillai 1. R Babu Suresh,Dr. Sivakumar Pillai, Dr. shyam Sankar. Bupivacaine with magnesium sulphate Vs Bupivacaine alone in transversus abdominis plane block for postoperative analgesia in total abdominal hysterectomy patients: A randomised control trial. IJSR. 2021;10(4),36-38. No No
7 Dr. Sonia M Lal 1.V Divya, Lal  M Sonia*, Sreenivas Anu.Efficacy of premixed versus sequential administration of clonidine and bupivacaine in caesarean section: A randomised controlled study.J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.2022;13(8):1849-54. No Yes
2.Sandhya Sudheer, Sonia M Lal*, Madhu Velayudhen, Hasna Ibrahim, Sonu Sabu,Siji K Sasi.Effect of using priming principle on the induction dose requirements of propofol: A randomized controlled trial.J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.2022;13(8):2487-91.
No Yes
8 Dr. Aswathy S 1. Remani S K, Sarath A. Opiod induced hyper analgesia: Epidural Fentanyl followed by IV dexmeditomide infusion versus IV paracetamol a comparative study. J.Evid.Based Med.Helathc.,2017;4(73),4321-4326. No No
2. Divya S S, Aswathy S. Study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral clonidine on control of shivering in patients undergoing elective urological surgeries under subarachnoid block- a comparitive study. J. Evid. Based Med.Healthc.2020;7(4):148-152. No No
3. Divya S S, Arun Gopinathan K, Aswathy S. Comparison of three techniques for ultrasound guided internal jugular vein cannulation. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc.2020;7(27):1301-1305. No No
9 Dr Sonia M Lal

Rithwik K Rajeev, Yedudev SB*,Divya SS, Sonia M Lal, Reshma Sugathan . Ultrasound guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block in acetabular fracture surgery: A randomized controlled pilot study. J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. 2023;14(05):1829-35

10 Dr Sonia M Lal

Rithwik K Rajeev, Amal Sivaprasad* , Yedudev SB, Sonia M Lal, Ashley Elizabeth Thomas,Manosha Mohandas.USG guided SIFIB to intravenous fentanyl in facilitating positioning of patients with acetabular fractures for neuraxial blocks: Total opioid consumption. 2023;14(08);1069-74.
