
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is not an organ specific or a system specific speciality like Cardiology or Neurology. It is a comprehensive training programme to achieve maximum functional recovery to live independently after any ailment.

Physical Medicine utilises physical modalities like heat, cold, electricity, ultrasound, Laser etc. for treatment purposes along with medicines and exercises.

Rehabilitation is simply retraining of a disabled person to the maximum possible functional level. It is the third level of prevention. When a disease cannot be cured, it becomes essential to train that person to live with his residual abilities.

Fabrication and fitment of artificial limbs is an important part of Rehabilitation.

The specialty started after the Second World War to rehabilitate the injured war veterans.

PMR has preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects.

It includes Achieving and Maintaining Physical fitness, treatment of obesity and maintaining positive health as in sportsmen.

Sports Medicine including training of athletes and treatment of sports injuries is part of Physical Medicine.

Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain or Pain Medicine and Care of Bedbound and wheelchair bound persons and Palliative care are also part of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Making disabled people aware of their Rights and the concerned laws, providing a disabled friendly environment in public places are included in the curriculum of post-graduation in PMR.

Our Dedicated team of Physiotherapists cater to the Physiotherapy needs of all the patients in all the Intensive Care Units and Geriatric Care Centre attached to the Medical College Hospital on a 8th hourly rotation basis.