a. Demonstration rooms with AV aids
b. Research laboratory: Area: 50
Features: Binocular microscope with photomicrograph attachment and polariser
c. Departmental library
d. Departmental museum: Area: 106 Sq.m
Features: Well ventilated and lighted room with:
Mounted specimen - 750 & Unmounted specimen-300
List of charts - 23 numbers. Photographs - 60 numbers
No. of catalogues of the specimens available to the students-15
e. Histopathology practical hall
f. Clinical pathology practical hall: Area: 212 Sq.m
Features: Seats available-for 90 students
Water supply-Adequate Sinks-Adequate Electrical Points-Adequate
Cupboard for storage of microscopes slides etc-Adequate
g. Assisting Ug students for ICMR and various other research project.