Sixteen spacious, well-equipped and abundantly staffed operation theatres (one emergency OT in casualty; one minor OT in casualty; eight theatres in the seventh floor Central OT area; two OBG OT near labour room; one septic OT, one cardiac OT, one transplant OT & one Neurosurgical OT) cater to the surgical needs of all the patients coming to Sree Gokulam Medical College Hospital round the clock. OT complex also provides waiting room for patients, duty rooms for the Surgeons, Anaesthetists, nurses and OT Assistants, sterilisation room, soiled linen room, observation gallery for the students, store room, separate washing area for the surgeons and anaesthetists, students’ washing-up and dressing room, pre-operative and post-operative wards with 30 beds each and facilities for pre-anaesthesia care and post-anaesthesia care. A team of dedicated OT staff ensures that each day, every OT is functioning at its peak.