The third academic meet of SGMC & RF was conducted by the Department of Pediatrics on 17/12/2020 as a Clinico radiologic pathologic meet. The session was moderated by Dr. K.M. Gopinadhan, HOD of pediatrics. The case was presented by Dr. Fibi, resident in pediatrics and was discussed by Dr. Lalitha Kailas, Professor of Pediatrics.
"To Be or Not To Be- A clinician's dilemma"
Case:10 year old boy presented with recurrent fever for 7months and GI symptoms for 2 months and loss of weight. He was taken to many hospitals and was evaluated, but the diagnosis still remained a mystery. We considered the possibilities of ileocecal TB and Crohns.USG and CECT abdomen were done and discussed by Dr Jaimi Abraham, SR in Radiology. Colonoscopy and biopsy were done by a medical gastroenterologist. The biopsy features were discussed by Dr. Kalaranjini, Professor in pathology.We came to a diagnosis of ileocecal TB within 1 week and was able to initiate the child on ATT.
With the support of departments of radiology, gastroenterology and pathology finally a diagnosis could be made for this child.
The session was attended by faculties, residents, and house surgeons of the institution