Area of Interest
- Local drug delivery
- Subgingival scaling
- Flap surgery
- Resective osseous surgery
- Regenerative osseous surgery
- Guided tissue regeneration
- Root coverage procedure
- Frenectomy
- Crown lengthening
- Vestibular extension procedures
- Depigmentation
- Ridge augmentation
- Gingivectomy
- Splinting

Additional Responsibilities

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Member of Indian Dental Association (IDA)
- Member of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists Kerala (SPIK)
- First prize in the scientific paper presentation during the Second Annual conference of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala, Trivandrum, 3rd May 2009.
- Second prize in the scientific paper presentation during First Annual conference of Society of periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala, Kochi, 27th April 2008.
Conferences attended:
52nd Kerala state dental conference trivandrum 13-15 May 2022.
Basic course in medical education technologies organized by medical education unit government medical college trivandrum 9th to 10th March 2016.

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
Fibrin clot adhesion to root surface treated with tetracycline hydrochloride and ethylene diaminetetra acetic acid: A scanning electron microscopic study. |
Dental Research Journa l |
2013;10(3):382-388. |
First author |
Int |
PubMed, Scopus and DOAJ |
Platelet rich fibrin: Its role in periodontal regeneration. |
The Saudi journal for dental Research |
2014;5:117-122. |
First author |
Int |
Publisher- Elsevier.
Unveiling the role of stress in periodontal etiopathogenesis. An evidence based review.
Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry |
2012;3:1-6. |
First author |
International |
Medline |
Viruses- Are they culprits for periodontal disease-A comprehensive review.
Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry |
2014; 5(3):179-87. |
Second author |
International |
Medline |
Gingival biotype and its clinical significance-A review. |
The Saudi journal for dental Research |
2014;5(1):3-7. |
other |
International |
Publisher- Elsevier.
Acute phase reactants in periodontal disease- current concepts and future implications.
Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry |
2015; 6: 108-117. |
other |
International |
Medline |
Hemisection- A better option in furcation management. ISSN 0972-396X.
Kerala Dental Journal |
2009; 32: 35-37. |
First author |
State |
Supportive periodontal treatment |
Journal of Indian dental association |
2013; vol.1, Issue 4 |
First author |
State |
Photodynamic therapy – A newer approach in the treatment of periodontal diseases
Indian dentist research and review
October 2017
Comparative evaluation of topical chlorhexidine gluconate gel and povidone iodine ointment as an adjunct to initial therapy of chronic periodontitis
International Journal of Scientific Study
August 2021, Vol. 9, Issue 5, 47-55.
Second author, Corresponding author
Pubmed, NLM, Index Medicus, Google Scholar, Publons
Management of furcation involvement- case series
International Journal of Scientific Research
July 2021, VOL. 10, Issue 7, 66-68.
First author
ICI, Index medicus, Publons,
Soft tissue considerations in implant dentistry – An Update.
March 2021, Vol. 13, Issue 1, 33-36
First author
Google Scholar, ICI, Index Medicus, NLM, Cross ref
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of Pro-Argin containing desensitizing toothpaste vs mouthwash: An invitro study.
World journal of dentistry
2022;13(1) 81-86.
3rd author
Scopus indexed
A clinical comparison of perception and behavior in children using conventional and Vibraject injection techniques.
World journal of dentistry
2nd author
and corresponding author.
Scopus indexed.
Interleukin-17: Is it a predictable biomarker for periodontal disease?
Indian Journal of Oral Health and Research.
