Area of Interest

Additional Responsibilities
- Clinical Coordinator

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and surgeons- Glasgow
- Winner of TACO Quiz for Post Graduate students in Ophthalmology conducted in KSOS annual conference in 2009
- Best poster award in KSOS annual conference in 2009
- Life Member of Indian Medical Association
- Life member of All India Ophthalmic Society
- Life member of Kerala State Ophthalmic Society
- Life member of Trivandrum Ophthalmic Club
- RIO Alumni
- ACME Alumni

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
A Study of Protective Role of Tigroid Fundus in the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy |
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences |
2019; 7(2):458-463
Other |
Nat |
Index Copernicus Research Bible, Google Scholar |
A study of pattern of ocular disorders in children with disabilities |
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research |
2018, 6,397-403 |
2nd |
Nat |
Index Copernicus |
Analysis of astigmatism in manual small incision cataract surgery through superior and temporal incision sites |
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences |
2018, 6(3),1316-1323 |
1st |
Nat |
Index Copernicus Research Bible,Google Scholar |
A study of knowledge, attitude and practice in diabetic retinopathy among patients attending a primary health centre |
Int J Res Med Sci |
Other |
Nat |
Index Copernicus, Google Scholar |
Comparison of topical versus peribulbar anaesthesia for manual small incision cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation |
Other |
Nat |
Index Copernicus, Google Scholar |
Type and severity of dry eye in collagen vascular diseases |
Academic Medical Journal of India |
2014,2(2):56-59 |
2nd |
Nat |
Index Copernicus |
Bacterial Keratitis and Fungal Keratitis in South Kerala:A comparative study |
Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology |
2011,23(1)43-46 |
2nd |
State |
Google Scholar |
Endothelial cell study in normal population |
Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology |
2006,18(1)22-24 |
2nd |
State |
Google Scholar |
A retrospective observational study on changes in macular thickness with age in normal population using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography |
Journal |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences/May 2023/Vol 11/Issue 5 |
2nd |
International |
PubMed and PubMed Central (PMC) (NLM ID: 101772888, Selected citations only) Index Copernicus Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) Scilit (MDPI) ScopeMed CrossRef Google Scholar Ulrichsweb Journal Index J-Gate Directory of Science JournalTOCs ResearchBib ICMJE SHERPA/RoMEO |

Topic |
Guest lecture / Oral / Poster / Convener of Workshop |
Name of the event |
Conference / CME / Workshop |
Venue |
Dates |
Level |
Anterior and posterior segment examination in an infant |
Paper |
Conference |
KSOS annual conference |
Kollam |
November 2017 |
State |
An unusual case of orbital roof fracture presenting as progressive retinal detachment |
Poster |
Conference |
KSOS annual conference |
Kannur |
November 2009 |
State |

Research Projects
Project |
Completed / Ongoing |
Funded Y / N |
Collaborated Y / N |
Published Y / N |
Evaluation of serum pentosidine as a novel biochemical marker for diabetic retinopathy in patients with type-II diabetes mellitus. |
Ongoing |
N |
Y |
N |
A Study of Pattern of Ocular Disorders in Children with Disabilities |
Completed |
N |
Y |
Y |
Type and Severity of Dry eye in Collagen Vascular Diseases |
Completed |
N |
N |
Y |