Area of Interest
- Regional anaesthesia

Additional Responsibilities
- Academic-in-charge of residents
- Member, SGMC website committee

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Member of ISA, IMA

Publication details |
Authorship |
State/nat/int |
Indexation |
Comparison of epidural levobupivacaie(0.5%) with racemic bupivacaine(0.5%) for lower abdominal surgery |
Ijcmr |
Vol6/issue5/may2019/ICV:98.46/ISSN(Online):2393-915x(Print):2454-7379 |
1st |
Int |
Index copernicus |
Efficacy of intracuff dexamethasone in reducing postoperative sore throat: an original article |
Ijrms |
2019 may:7(5):1665-1669 Pssn2320-6071/eISSN2320-6012 |
1st |
Int |
Index copernicus |
Comparison Between Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone Given Intraperitoneally for post-operative pain reliefin patients after laparoscopic hysterectomy |
Journal of Anaesthesia and pain |
1st |
Int |
Doaj |
A comparison of femoro-popliteal block versus spinal anaesthesia for malleolar surgeries |
Int J Recent Sur Med Sci |
Doi:10.1055/s-0043-1761505 |
1st |
Int |
Doaj |
Ultrasound guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block in acetabular fra ture surgery: A randomized controlled pilot study |
J cardiovasc.Dis.Res. |
2022;13(8):2481-91 |
Other |
Int |
Scopus |


Research Projects
Perioperative wellbeing – Epidural neostigmine V/s Dexmeditomidine with morphine and bupivacaine in total abdominal hysterectomy patients |
Dr. Anju Ashok |
Dr. Madhu V |
Dr. Reshma Sugathan |
2018 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Sternomental distance ratio as a predictor of difficult airway- An observational study
Dr Reeba Mariya Mathews |
Dr Reshma Sugathan |
2021 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Effect Of Oral Pregabalin As Pre-Emptive Analgesic In Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgeries Under Spinal Anaesthesia. |
Dr. Mysa Abdul Azeez |
Dr. Reshma Sugathan
2022 |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
Comparison of epidural levo bupivacaine (0.5%) with racemic bupivacaine (0.5%) for lower abdominal surgery. |
Dr. Reshma Sugathan |
Dr. Anu |
2019 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Efficacy of intracuff dexamethasone in reducing the incidence of post operative sore throat |
Dr Reshma Sugathan |
2019 |
Completed |
N |
N |
A Comparison of femoropopliteal Block versus Spinal anaeshesia for Malleolar surgeries. |
Dr. Reeba Mariya Mathews |
Dr. Reshma Sugathan Dr. Venugopalan P G |
2023 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Ultrasound guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block in acetabular fracture surgery: A randomized controlled pilot study |
Dr. Rithwik K Rajeev |
Dr. Yedudev S B Dr. Sonia M Lal Dr. Reshma Sugathan |
2023 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Comparison Between hydrocortisone and dexamethasone given intraperitoneally for postoperative pain releif in patients after laparoscopic hysterectomy – an observational study. |
Dr. Shari S Kumar |
Dr. Reshma Sugathan |
2023 |
Completed |
N |
N |