Area of Interest
- Pediatric anaesthesia

Additional Responsibilities
- DOTAT course coordinator.

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Member of ISA, IMA
Acheivements :
- Winner of Best Postgraduate Award in ISAMIDKON 2014 by ISA Kerala
- Winner of PG Quiz Contest at CASCO 2012 by ISA Coimbatore

Title |
Journal/Book |
Publication Details(Year,Volume,Page No. Etc.) |
Authorship 1st/2nd/Other |
State/Reg/Nat/Int |
Indexed In |
Anaesthetic Management of Craniosynostosis Repair |
OCT-DEC, 2014; 2 (4): |
1st |
Int |
Efficacy of premixed versus sequential administration of clonidine and bupivacaine in caesarean section: A randomised controlled study. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. |
2022;13(8):1849-54. |
2nd , corresponding |
Nat |
Embase, Scopus |
Effect of using priming principle on the induction dose requirements of propofol: A randomized controlled trial.J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. |
2022;13(8):2487-91. |
2nd , corresponding |
Nat |
Embase, Scopus |
Ultrasound guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block in acetabular fracture surgery: A randomized controlled pilot study. J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. |
2023;14(05):1829-35 |
4th author |
Nat |
Embase, Scopus |
USG guided SIFIB to intravenous fentanyl in facilitating positioning of patients with acetabular fractures for neuraxial blocks: Total opioid consumption. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res. |
2023;14(08);1069-74 |
4th author |
Nat |
Embase, Scopus |
Effect of neuromuscular blockade on changes in tidal volume, during face mask ventilation in patients undergoing general anesthesia
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.
5th author
Nat |
Embase, Scopus |
V Divya, Lal M Sonia*, Sreenivas Anu.Efficacy of premixed versus sequential administration of clonidine and bupivacaine in caesarean section: A randomised controlled study. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.
Sandhya Sudheer, Sonia M Lal*, Madhu Velayudhen, Hasna Ibrahim, Sonu Sabu,Siji K Sasi.Effect of using priming principle on the induction dose requirements of propofol: A randomized controlled trial |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.
Rithwik K Rajeev, Yedudev SB*,Divya SS, Sonia M Lal, Reshma Sugathan . Ultrasound guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block in acetabular fracture surgery: A randomized controlled pilot study. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.
Rithwik K Rajeev, Amal Sivaprasad* , Yedudev SB, Sonia M Lal, Ashley Elizabeth Thomas,Manosha Mohandas.USG guided SIFIB to intravenous fentanyl in facilitating positioning of patients with acetabular fractures for neuraxial blocks: Total opioid consumption. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.
R Suresh Babu, Sivakumar Pillai*, Siji K Sasi, RS Ushadevi, Sonia M Lal. Effect of neuromuscular blockade on changes in tidal volume, during face mask ventilation in patients undergoing general anesthesia. |
J Cardiovasc. Dis. Res.


Research Projects
Project |
Principal Investigator |
Guide |
Co-guide |
Date of Commencement |
Completed / Ongoing |
Funded Y / N |
Collaborative Y / N |
Effect of PEEP on Mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure and ET CO2 in predicting hypovolemia |
Dr. Prince P J |
Dr. T P Madhusudanan |
Dr. Sonia M Lal |
2018 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Effect of neuromuscular blockade on chages in tidal volium during face mask ventilation in patients undergoing general anaesthesia – An observational study |
Dr. Siji K Sasi |
Dr. Ushadevi R S |
Dr Sonia M Lal Dr R Suresh Babu Dr Sivakumar Pillai
2019 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Effects of premixed versus sequential administration of hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl in subarachnoid block for lower limb
Dr Ushadevi R S |
Dr Sonia M Lal |
2021 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Acromio Axillary Suprasternal Notch Index (AASI) As A Predictor Of Difficult Visualization Of Larynx. |
Dr. Ashley Elizabeth Thomas |
Dr Ushadevi R S |
Dr. Sonia M Lal |
2022 |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
Perfusion Index As An Objective Measure Of Analgesia In Laparoscopic Surgeries Under General Anaesthesia-An Observational Study |
Dr. Lino Varghese Koshy |
Dr.Madhu V |
Dr.Sonia .M. Lal |
2023 |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
Effect of using priming principle on the induction dose requirements of propofol: A randomized controlled trial |
Dr. Sonu Sabu |
Dr.Hasna Ibrahim Dr. Sonia M Lal Dr. Madhu V
2020 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Ultrasound guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block in acetabular fracture surgery: A randomized controlled pilot study |
Dr. Rithwik K Rajeev |
Dr. Yedudev S B Dr. Sonia M Lal Dr. Reshma Sugathan |
2020 |
Completed |
N |
N |
Efficacy of premixed versus sequential administration of clonidine and bupivacaine in caesarean section: A randomised controlled study. |
Dr. Anu Sreenivas |
Dr. Sonia M Lal |
2021 |
Completed |
N |
N |
USG guided SIFIB to intravenous fentanyl in facilitating positioning of patients with acetabular fractures for neuraxial blocks: Total opioid consumption. |
Dr Ashley Elizabeth Thomas, Dr Manosha Mohandas |
Dr Rithwik K Rajeev Dr Amal Sivaprasad Dr Yedudev SB Dr Sonia M Lal |
2022 |
Completed |
N |
N |