Area of Interest
- Clinical dermatology including psoriasis, vitiligo, leprosy and aesthetic dermatology including hair disorders and lasers.

Additional Responsibilities
- Joint Secretary, Institutional Research Committee
- Staff advisor to the MBBS students
- Post peer review content cum language editor of Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
- Former member SIG on neglected tropical diseases, IADVL
- Member, Kerala IADVL Online Academic Cell
- Convener, Grievance Redressal Committee for Students
- Convener, Students' Welfare Committee
- Reviewer, Journal of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- External Expert, Institutional Research Committee, Sree Gokulam Nursing College

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- All India second place in the postgraduate quiz by IADVL in 2008
- Life member of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- First author of the Best original article published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology in 2013
- Young Researcher Award by the Kerala State Branch of the IADVL – Dr B K H Nair Award -2014
- Past executive committee member of IADVL Kerala
- Chief Coordinator of Annual State Conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists (CUTICON) KERALA 2014 – held at Kollam
- One of the organizers of Mid Annual State Conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists (CUTICON) KERALA 2011- held at Kollam
- Member, Kerala State Academy of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
Searching for cutaneous leishmaniasis in tribals from Kerala, India. |
Journal of Global Infectious Diseases. |
2010 May; 2(2):95-100. PMCID: PMC2889671 |
1st |
Int |
Pubmed, DOAJ |
A Case Report of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Indian Journal of Dermatology |
2012 July-August; 57(4): 304–307. PMCID: PMC3401852 |
1st |
Nat |
Pubmed, DOAJ |
White Lesions in the Oral Cavity: A Clinicopathological Study from a Tertiary Care Dermatology Centre in Kerala, India
. Indian Journal of Dermatology |
2013 July-August; 58(4):269-74. ISSN: 0019-5154ISSN: 0019-5154 |
1st |
Nat |
Pubmed, DOAJ |
Determinants of rapid progression to immunodeficiency syndrome among people infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Kerala, India |
Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
2011 January-June; 32(1): 23–29. PMCID: PMC3139284 |
2nd |
Nat |
Pubmed, DOAJ |
Quality of Life of Patients with Psoriasis Seeking Care from Out Patient Department (OPD) of a Tertiary Care Centre of South India Assessed by Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and its Correlation with PASI
Indian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology |
2017;3:182-6 |
1st |
Nat |
Copernicus, google scholar |
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Hand , Foot & Mouth Disease reported in routine Surveillance system in Kerala, India |
Indian Jouranal of Appied Research . |
2018;8: 18-20 |
1st |
Nat |
Copernicus, google scholar |
Facilitating the practice of dermatology in Kerala-Recommendation by an expert panel of kerala, State Branch of the Indian Association of dermatologists, venereologists and leprologists |
Journal of skin Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
2022: 4: 91-6
1st |
Nat |
Pubmed, DOAJ |
Isolation Identification and antifungal susceptibility of dermatophytes form clinical specimens in a tertiary care hospital in South Kerala |
International journal of medical microbiology and tropical diseases |
2023;9(1);36-43 |
2nd |
Int |
Copernicus, google scholar |
Cutaneous and Visceral Leishmaniasis Caused by the Same Zymodeme of Leishmania donovani in Kerala, India |
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
2023 Dec 18;110(1):59-63. |
6th |
Int |
Pubmed, DOAJ |

Topic |
Guest lecture / Oral / Poster / Convener of Workshop |
Name of the event |
Conference / CME / Workshop |
Venue |
Dates |
Level |
Scientific Co-chairperson |
Cuticon Kerala |
Conference |
Kollam |
November 2023 |
State |
Organizing secretary |
Gokulam Derma Mini update: Optimising the use of lasers |
Trivandrum |
June 2023 |
State |
Organizing secretary |
Gokulam Derma Mini update:A-Z of Hansens |
Trivandrum |
December 2022 |
State |
Organizing committee member |
Dermazone south 2019 |
Conference |
Trivandrum |
November 2019 |
Zonal |
Organizing secretary |
Impact 3.0 |
Trivandrum |
June 2019 |
State |
Organizing secretary |
Gokulam dermaupdate |
Trivandrum |
August 2019 |
State |
Chief coordinator |
Cuticon Kerala |
Conference |
Kollam |
2014 |
State |
Organizing committee member |
Cuticon Kerala |
Conference |
Kollam |
2011 |
State |
A case report of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 – at the Annual State Conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists |
Oral |
CUTICON Kerala 2008 |
Conference |
Kottayam |
2008 |
State |
Erythema Annulare Centrifugum –a case report-at the Annual State Conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists
Oral |
CUTICON Kerala 2014 |
Conference |
Kollam |
2014 |
State |
A clinicopathological study on white lesions in the oral cavity –as part of Dr BKH Nair Award presentation -at the Annual State Conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists
Oral |
CUTICON Kerala 2014 |
Conference |
Kollam |
2014 |
State |
A case report of subpolar lepromatous leprosy presenting with type 1 lepra reaction in the post elimination era
Oral |
Indian Association of Leprologists 2015 mid- term conference on Leprosy 2015 |
Conference |
Hyderabad |
2015 |
National |
Approach to cicatricial alopecia
Guest lecture |
SIG workshop –Trichology 2018 |
Kochi |
2018 |
State |
Antioxidants-a boon or a bane? |
Guest lecture |
International Congress on Pigmentary disorders and Anti-aging 2011 |
Conference |
Kozhikode |
2011 |
International |
Plant based drugs in dermatology |
Guest lecture |
Dermacon International 2019 |
Conference |
Bangalore |
2019 |
International |
Adverse drug reactions in everyday practice |
Invited faculty and scientific committee chairperson |
Conference |
August 2nd, 2020 |
Difficult to treat facial dermatoses |
Panel speaker |
Kerala Cuticon |
Conference |
Kollam |
November 2023 |
State |

Research Projects
- Serum homocysteine level and metabolic syndrome in patients with lichen planus in a tertiary care centre
- A clinic-dermoscopic study of facial hypermelanosis along with assessment of diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy in acquired dermal macular hyperpigmentation in a tertiary care centre