Area of Interest
- Clinical dermatology including sexually transmitted diseases and drug reactions.

Additional Responsibilities

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Life member of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL), IASSTD, Cosmetic dermatology

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
Chronic eosinophilic leukemia presenting predominantly with cutaneous manifestations |
Indian Journal Dermatology |
2016; 61: 437 - 439 |
1st |
Nat |
Pubmed, index medicus |
Hansen’s disease in association with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome |
Indian Dermatology Online Journal |
2016; 7: 29-31 |
2nd |
Nat |
Pubmed, DOAJ |
A Study of the prevalence of smear – Positive leprosy cases in a tertiary care center in the post elimination phase of leprosy |
International Journal of Dermatology |
2016; 55 |
2nd |
Int |
Pubmed, index medicus |
A Study on Precipitating factors in Pemphigus. |
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. |
2018; 06; 345-350
2nd |
Int |
Copernicus, google scholar |
Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in psoriasis patients compared to a Control group without Psoriasis. |
Kerala journal of psychiatry online |
2019 |
3rd |
State |
Copernicus |
Evaluation of Quality of Life and Pattern of Improvement of Bronchial Asthma in Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients Treated by FESS |
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology |
2019 |
2nd |
Nat |
Pubmed, index medicus |
Designing an epidemiologic study. |
IADVL research compendium. |
2021, CBS publishers |
Evaluation of Quality of Life and Pattern of Improvement of Bronchial Asthma in Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients Treated by FESS |
Indian J of Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg |
2019 Nov; 71:2176-2181 |
2nd |
Nat |
Pubmed, index medicus |

Topic |
Guest lecture / Oral / Poster / Convener of Workshop |
Name of the event |
Conference / CME / Workshop |
Venue |
Dates |
Level |
Organising chairperson |
Gokulam dermaupdate |
Trivandrum |
June, 2019 |
State |
Organizing chairperson |
Impact 3.0 |
Trivandrum |
August 2019 |
State |
Organizing chairperson |
Gokulam Derma Mini update:A-Z of Hansens |
Trivandrum |
December 2022 |
State |
Organizing chairperson |
Gokulam Derma Mini update: Optimising the use of lasers |
Trivandrum |
June 2023 |
State |
Nail Changes in internal Malignancy |
Oral |
World congress of cosmetic dermatology |
Conference |
Bangalore |
2017 |
International |

Research Projects
- Non alcoholic fatty liver disease in male patients with androgenetic alopecia attending a tertiary care centre
- The pattern of serum troponin I levels in patients with alopecia areata: A descriptive cross-sectional study