Dr. Mathen P George
Paediatric Surgery
Professor Emeritus
MBBS, DLO, MS (Gen Surgery), MCh (Paed Surgery)
27 years of experience
Make an Appointment
Area of Interest
- Paediatricgastrointestinal surgeries &paediatric urology

Additional Responsibilities
- Retired as Professor & HOD of Paediatric Surgery, Medical College Services, Government of Kerala.
- Guide & Co guides for several thesis works of MS & MCh postgraduates in various Government Medical Colleges in Kerala

Achievements, Memberships, Awards

Title |
Name of Journal / Book |
Publication Details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship (1st / 2nd / Other) |
State / Regional / National / International |
Indexed in |
Oro-pharyngeal Chordoma a case report |
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology |
June 1983,Vol 35, Article 43 |
!st |
National |
Springer Link |

Topic |
Guest lecture / oral presentation / poster presentation / Convener of workshop |
Name of the event |
Conference / CME / Workshop |
Venue |
Dates |
Level |
Separation of Ischiopagus conjoined twin |
National IAPS national conference |
Conference |
Ooty |
2014 |
Intersex problems in Children |
Guest Lecture |
Hirschsprung’s Disease -a 15 years experiences |
Guest Lecture |
Bladder Extrophy My Experience with Jeff’s Procedure |
Guest Lecture |
Laparoscopy in Children |
Guest Lecture |
Surgical treatment of Hirschsprung’s Disease |
Guest Lecture |