Area of Interest
- Hepatopathology, gyanec pathology, CNS QUASH cytology, FROZEN SECTIONs and intregrated teaching.

Additional Responsibilities
- Histopathology Incharge
- Member of Tumor Board
- Competency Based Medical Education (CBME)
- Post graduate schedule coordinator
- Convener of Laboratory Advisory Committee

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- IMA life member
- IAPM Kerala member
- Awarded Member of Royal College of Pathologists RCPATH in 2023

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
Utility of Hematological and Laboratory data in assessment of immediate prognosis in multiple myeloma. |
Journal of evaluation of medical and dental science. |
2014; 3(22):5997-6002 |
1 st |
Int |
Index copernicus |
Utility of automation in assessment of Hematological profile and typing of anemia in pre-school children A tertiary Centre study |
Journal of evaluation of medical and dental science. |
2014; 3(16): 4310-4315
2nd |
Int |
Index copernicus |
Changing role and liver biopsy indications in the tertiary care Centre. A histo-pathological study. |
Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine |
2019; 6(9): 475 - 80
1st |
Int |
Index coperncus |
Solid lesions of pancreas a diagnostic dilemma. |
Indian Journal of Pathology & Oncology. |
2020; vol 7 |
1st |
Nat |
Index coperncus |
Utility of Immunohistochemical Markers in the Diagnosis of Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Cervix - A Case Report
International journal of Scientific Research
Volume 9, April 2020;1270-72 |
National |
Pubmed, Google Scholar, Index Medicus, ResearchGate
Rare Case of Multifocal Ileal Neuroendocrine Tumour Clinically Presenting as Mesentric Mass
International journal of Scientific Research
Volume 9, May 2020; 1509-11 |
International |
Pubmed, Google Scholar, Index Medicus, ResearchGate
Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis-2 (BRIC 2)/ABCB 11 deficiency in a young child- report from a tertiary care center in South India |
Indian journal of pathology and microbiology |
2021;64(special):46-8 |
2nd |
International |
DOAJ, EMBASE, Index Medicus, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index |
Retroperitoneal extralobar sequestration of lung with congenital cystic pulmonary airway malformation and a concurrent duplication cyst stomach - a rare combination |
International Journal of medical science and current research |
2022, 5(2):1280-1284 |
2nd |
International |
Index Copernicus, Google scholar, ScopeMed, Pubmed |
A Case of Adult Gastric Duplication Cyst Simulating a GIST on Imaging Studies |
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) |
2022 |
1st |
International |
Index Copernicus |
Utility of Immunohistochemical Markers in the Diagnosis of Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Cervix - A Case Report |
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) |
2022 |
1st |
International |
Index Copernicus |
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis presenting as penile hypospadias- A case report |
Global Journal of research analysis |
2020 |
1 |
International |
Index Copernicus |
Assessment of Tumour Budding in Colorectal Carcinoma and its Correlation with Pathological Staging among Patients undergoing Resection at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Kerala |
Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research JCDR |
2023 |
2 |
International |
DOAJ, Index Medicus, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index |

Topic |
Guest lecture / Oral / Poster / Convener of Workshop |
Name of the event |
Conference / CME / Workshop |
Venue |
Dates |
Level |
1) Gross collage |
Oral |
Melange 2018 |
17 Nove 2018 |
State |
2) Solitary liver lesion and LIRADS |
Guest lecture |
G- RAD -2 |
8 December 2019 |
State |
3) A case of mutitple cranial nerve palsy |
Oral poster |
IAPM Kerala |
GMC Kottayam |
8 February 2008 |
State |
4) Areas of acute abdomen |
Oral poster |
IAPM Kerala |
August 2008 |
State |
5) A rare of case of axilary lymphadenopathy |
Oral poster |
IAPM Kerala |
GMC ….. |
Feb 2009 |
State |
6) A case of fever of unknown origin |
Oral poster |
IAPM Kerala |
GMC Alapuzha |
Feb 2010 |
State |
IAPM – Head and neck Pathology |
Moderator |
Calicut |
2022 |

Research Projects
Project |
Completed / Ongoing |
Funded Y / N |
Collaborated Y / N |
Published Y / N |
Clinicopathological study of multiple myeloma with regard to immediate prognosis with regard to 6 months |
Completed |
N |
N |
Y |
Cytological and histopathological grading in malignant breast lesion on observational study. |
Completed |
N |
N |
N |
Histopathlogic changes in neoplastic and non-neoplastic cystic lesion of ovary and its correlation with RMI |
Completed |
N |
N |
N |
Assessment oftumour budding in colorectal carcinoma and its correlation with pathological staging in patients undergoing resection in a teriary care hospital in kerala |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
N |