Dr. Sreekanth K S
M.Sc (Medical Biochemistry), MD (Hons), MRSC (UK), FRSC(UK), PhD (Medical Biochemistry) & Dean, Allied Medical Sciences & Research

Area of Interest
- Biochemistry
- Clinical Chemistry
- Connective tissue Biochemistry
- Vascular Biology
- Experimental Cardiology
- Cancer Biochemistry & Tumor Biology
- Immunology
- Molecular Biology
- Bioinformatics
- Medical Education Technologies
- Problem Based Learning
- Interactive Teaching and Concept Mapping

Additional Responsibilities
- Dean of Allied Medical Sciences & Research
- Professor & Head of Molecular Biology
- Sitting Member, Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS) – 2021 as per the Oder U.O No.48/2021/DSA/KUHS
- Coordinating the Student Support and Guidance Programme of SGMC & RF for Kerala University of Health Sciences as Convener
- Guiding doctoral research work and postgraduate research work
- Moderating the postgraduate seminars and Journal clubs
- Mentoring undergraduate and postgraduate students in academics
- Train the faculty members in innovative teaching methods through MEU, SGMC & RF
- Modifying and designing the curriculum as a subject expert for CBME & ATCOM as proposed by MCI
- Promote and incorporate Bioethics in Curriculum and Practice as member of Bioethics Unit of UNESCO Chair in Haifa of SGMC & RF
- Monitor and supervise students as a member of the Anti-Ragging Committee, SGMC & RF
- Review the research proposals for the Institutional Research Cell as a subject expert of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Convener, Anti-Ragging Core Committee (ARCC) 2021-22, 22-23 SGMC & RF

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Visiting Research Associate, University of Denver, CO, USA
- Appraiser- National Board of Examinations, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India, New Delhi
- Former Joint Secretary and State Representative of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research (ISAR) (Elected Twice)
- Convener- Student Support and Guidance Programme
- Member of Royal College of Pathologists, London, UK
- Fellow and Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK
- Trained Faculty of Advanced Course in Medical Education Technologies of MCI (ACME-2014)
- Trained Faculty of ATCOM of MCI
- Trained Faculty of Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technologies of MCI
- Trained Faculty of Basic Course in Medical Education Technologies of MCI
- Trained Faculty of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) by KUHS
- Authored Papers in outstanding juried journals indexed in PubMed & Scopus with high impact factor
- Presented papers as invited speaker and chaired scientific sessions in National and International Conferences
- Internal & external Examiner of Kerala University of Health Sciences
- UG, PG & PhD examiner of RGUHS, MAHE, Mangalore University, MG University, MUH & Yeneppoya Universities
- Editorial Board Member of Several National and International Journals of Scientific Merit
- External Subject Expert of NICHE, Kumarakovil, Tamil Nadu
- Chairman & adjudicator of PhD of external universities
- Question paper setter for external Universities for MBBS, MD & PhD courses
- External & Internal Resource person for Medical Education Technologies
- Chairman, Scientific Committee, Bio-Conspectus 2018, SGMC & RF
- Former Member & Chairman of IAEC, SGMC & RF
- Reviewer of more than 10 Journals of scientific merit
- Trained expert in Internal Audit- CCLVI and Quality Management Systems As per ISO 15189-2012 & NABL 112 by Foundation for Quality (India), Bengaluru (Trained during 28th September to 1st October 2020).
- Trained Faculty in Learning Management System (MOODLE) conducted by Kerala University of Health Sciences from 28-12-2020 to 06-01-2021.
Trained in Curriculum Implementation and Support (CISP) of MCI from SGMC & RF under the supervision of NMC Nodal Centre on 30/10/2020 & 31/10/2010.
Certified with Basic Course in Biomedical Research (BCBR-Batch2) as mandated by National Medical Commission (NMC) under ICMR by National Institute of Epidemiology. March-June 2020.
External Subject Expert of Board of Studies-PG, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry - Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth-Deemed to be University.
- Member, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK
- Member, Royal College of Pathologists, London
- Member, American Association for Clinical Chemists
- Member, International Atherosclerotic Society, Milan, Italy
- Member, Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research (Life Member)
- Member, Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (Life Member)
- Member, Bioethics Unit, SGMC & RF
- Member, Institutional Research Cell
- Member, ATCOM Sensitization Committee of MCI, SGMC & RF
- Member, Anti -ragging committee, SGMC & RF
- The Joseph Lister Award for the best research publication in Biochemistry in 2015
- The International Agency for standards and rating (IASR) graded and tagged him as one of the world’s most influential Biochemists in the year 2015 (USA News Corporation; Friday 16th October 2015)
- Conferred Fellowship by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge UK for the outstanding contributions to Medical Biochemistry & Clinical Chemistry and is notified in the Royal Charter (Reg.No: 570667) and Times, London
- Affiliated and admitted in the Royal College of Pathologists of London, United Kingdom in 2018 (Ref No:20008864)
- Conferred Fellowship from Academy of General Education, Karnataka
- Received with PN Thirumulpad Endowment cash award for academic excellence
- Certificate of appreciation for reviewing and editing articles in juried journals

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
Predictive Biomarkers of Brain tumor lesions through correlation of Histopathological changes with Metabolites by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Journal |
H.Smitha, V.N Meena Devi, K.S.Sreekanth, J Vinoo. Predictive Biomarkers of Brain tumor lesions through correlation of Histopathological changes with Metabolites by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. International Journal of Rdaiation Research, 2023, 21 (4): 769-777 |
Other |
Int |
SCI-e, Scopus |
Competency Based Text Book of Medical Biochemistry. |
Text Book |
Competency Based Text Book of Medical Biochemistry. Sreekanth. K.Sivaraman Wilma Delphine Silvia, Venkata Bharat Kumar Pinnelli, and Kulkarni Sweta. 2023. ISBN 978-93-93885-51-7. EMMES Medical Publishers Bangalore, India
Equal |
Nat |
ISBN 978-93-93885-51-7 |
Comprehensive text book of Applied Biochemistry, Nutrition and Diatetics. |
Comprehensive text book of Applied Biochemistry, Nutrition and Diatetics. Wilma Delphine Silvia, Sreekanth.KS and Sreelakshmi. 2023.ISBN 978-93-93885-35-7. EMMES Medical Publishers Bangalore, India.
Equal |
Nat |
ISBN 978-93-93885-35-7. |
A comparative study of orthogonal planes for differential diagnosis of brain tumor lesions through MRI |
Smitha H. Meena Devi VN. Vinoo Jacob. Sreekanth KS. A comparative study of orthogonal planes for differential diagnosis of brain tumor lesions through MRI. Suranaree J. Sci.Technol. 2022. 29 (2):070038(1-7)
Other |
Int |
Scopus, Asian Citation Index, TCI, Google Scholar, EBSCO host, Clarivate. |
Elucidation of predictive biomarkers for the diagnosis of non-tumor brain lesions through magnetic resonance spectroscopy along with histopathological findings |
Journal |
Smitha H, Meena Devi VN, Sreekanth KS and Vinoo Jacob. Elucidation of predictive biomarkers for the diagnosis of non-tumor brain lesions through magnetic resonance spectroscopy along with histopathological findings. IJAIR. 2022;9 (2): 141-147. |
Other |
Int |
Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Global Impact Factor (GIF), Cosmos, Journal Factor. |
A study of serum zinc levels in children admitted with pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital in India |
Journal |
Ashrin A Naushad, Lalitha Kailas and Sreekanth K Sivaraman. A study of serum zinc levels in children admitted with pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital in India. Indian Journal of Child Healt. 2022; 8(12): 426-429. https://doi.org/10.32677/ijch.v8i12.3235 |
Other |
Int |
Index Copernicus, EZB, Journal Guide, BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine,World Cat, Google Scholar |
Prevalence of Meningioma in South Indian Population Diagnosed through Magnetic Resonance Imaging – A Retrospective Study |
Journal |
Smitha H and Sreekanth K S. Prevalence of Meningioma in South Indian Population Diagnosed through Magnetic Resonance Imaging – A Retrospective Study. J.Clin.Res.Applied Med. 2021; 1(2): 63-67 |
2nd |
Nat |
Open Access |
Regulatory proteins in placental angiogenesis |
Journal |
Anilkumar KV, Kavitha S, Sreekanth KS. Regulatory proteins in placental angiogenesis.. Biomedicine. 2021; 41(4):694-700.
Other |
Int |
Scopus, Excerpta Medica, Google Scholar, Elsevier Indian Citation Index, Index Medicus,UGC- CARE
Evaluation of MRI Orthogonal Planes in Differential Diagnosis of Non-Tumour Brain Lesions
Journal |
Smitha H, Devi VNM, Sreekanth KS, et al. Evaluation of MRI orthogonal planes in differential diagnosis of non-tumour brain lesions. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(40):3543-3547. |
Other |
Int |
Web of Science, CNKI - China National Knowledge, Infrastructure Databases, EBSCO Databases, CAB Abstracts and Global Health Databases, Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region, Academic OneFile, Chemical Abstracts Service Databases (A Division of American Chemical Society), BIREME Virtual Health Library, J-Gate, Indian Science Abstracts, Journal Seek Database, CIRS (International Center for Scientific Research) Databases.
Ferritin in Covid-19 infection and its diagnostic significance |
Journal |
Hridya H, Manojan KK, Sreekanth KS. Ferritin in Covid-19 infection and its diagnostic significance. IJRMS 2021; 9(9): 2858-2862 |
Other |
Int |
Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO)
Genetic Variants of SARS CoV-2; Mutations and Mechanism of Survival |
Journal |
Laiju KP, Manojan KK, Sreekanth KS. Genetic Variants of SARS CoV-2; Mutations and Mechanism of Survival. British Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2021; 3(7): 1090-1095 |
Other |
Int |
Google Scholar, Research Gate, Get cited, World Cat, Scirus, Research Bible |
A cross-sectional study on brain lesions diagnosed through magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients from South Kerala. |
Journal |
Smitha H. Meena Devi V N. Vinoo Jacob. Sreekanth K S. A cross-sectional study on brain lesions diagnosed through magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients from South Kerala. Int J Cur Res Rev 2021; 13(13): 184-189. |
Other |
Int |
Scopus |
Correlation of whole-body fat and visceral fat on the patients suffering lower back pain with lumbar disc degenerative diseases – A pilot study |
Journal |
Sreeja CK, Meena Devi VN, Sreekanth KS, Aneesh MK. Correlation of whole body fat and visceral fat on the patients suffering lower back pain with lumbar disc degenerative diseases – A pilot study. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 2021; 2(25): 3631-3639 |
Other |
Int |
Scopus |
Epigenetic modifications of Covid-19 – A probable mechanism for viral infection and transmission. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS. Epigenetic modifications of Covid-19 – A probable mechanism for viral infection and transmission. British Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2020; 2(9): 428-431 |
1st |
Int |
Google Scholar, Research Gate, Get cited, World Cat, Scirus, Research Bible |
Concept mapping an educational tool in learning Biochemistry. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS. Concept mapping an educational tool in learning Biochemistry. International Journal of Medical Science and Education 2020; 7(3):23-27 |
1st |
Int |
Scopus,Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Directory of Open Access, ICMJE, WikiCEP |
Evaluation of signal intensity for differential diagnosis of brain lesions in magnetic resonance imaging |
Journal |
SmithaH. Meena Devi V N. Vinoo Jacob. Sreekanth K S. Evaluation of signal intensity for differential diagnosis of brain lesions in magnetic resonance imaging. IJSTR 2020;9(4):2840-2844.. |
Other |
Int |
Scopus |
Prevalence of lumbar spine degenerative changes in subjects suffering low back pain –an MRI based study from North Kerala. |
Journal |
Sreeja CK. Meena Devi VN, Aneesh MK. Sreekanth KS. Prevalence of lumbar spine degenerative changes in subjects suffering low back pain – an MRI based study from North Kerala. IJSTR 2020;9(4):2018-2021. |
Other |
Int |
Scopus |
Matrix remodeling and collagen disintegration in Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS. Matrix remodeling and collagen disintegration in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Saudi J Med 2019; 4(2): 149-157. |
1st |
Int |
Google Scholar, Publon, Worldcat, Indexcopernicus and in process in SCOPUS , SCI |
Evaluation of the role of Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and course of acute myocardial infarction. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Evaluation of the role of Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and course of acute myocardial infarction. International Journal of Biochemistry 2015; 197 : 472-482 |
1st |
Int |
World PubMed Archive |
Effect of smoking on Metalloproteinases activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Effect of smoking on Metalloproteinases activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014; 8 (2) : 27-30. |
1st |
Int |
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science, thomsonreuters), Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 131.08, Academic Search Complete Database, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme, Indian Science Abstracts (ISA), Journal seek Database,Google, Popline (reproductive health literature), www.omnimedicalsearch.com,PubMed Central® |
Effects of short term administration of vitamin C on lung antioxidants in cigarette smoke exposed rats. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Bipin Tom Paul, Annamala PT. Effects of short term administration of vitamin C on lung antioxidants in cigarette smoke exposed rats. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences 2012; 2 (4): 544 – 547. |
1st |
Int |
Ulrich’s periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus (ICV VALUE 2013-6.38), Open J gate, Scirus, Science central, BASE, New Jour, Indianscience.in, Geneva foundation of Medical education and Research (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, EBESCO Publishing, Jour Informatics, Genamics Journal Seek, CAS (A division of American chemical Society), HINARI RESEARCH by WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION), Research Bible, Universal Impact Factor Indexing, Cite Factor Indexing (Academic research Journals), ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources), Trove (National Library of Australia), scientific indexing service (SIS Indexing) |
Evaluation of the role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in the pathogenesis and course of acute myocardial infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamalai PT. Evaluation of the role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in the pathogenesis and course of acute myocardial infarction. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2012; 3 (3) : 317-325. |
1st |
Int |
Embase (Elsevier), Index Copernicus, International Scientific Indexing, Crossref, Google, Google Scholar, International committee of medical journal editors, WorldCat, Citeseerx, EVISA, Fairfield University (DiMenna-Nyselius Library), Harper Adams University College, University of Bayreuth, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Pittsburgh (University Library System), Aberystwyth University, Adam State college, Alzheimer Research Forum, Auburn University Library, Central Connecticut State University (Elihu Burritt Library), Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) (USA), Doshisha University, EBSCO, Gunma university, Hokkaido University, Huntington College - Houghton memorial library, ILLINOIS state university (Milner Library), Jacksonville State University (Houston Cole Library), Lebanese American University (LAU Libraries), Lund University (Sweden), Naropa University (Allen Ginsberg Library), National Library of Sweden, Open j gate, Princeton University (USA) (Princeton university library), ProQuest, Quinnipiac University (Quinnipiac University Libraries), Samford university library, SCIFinder, Spring Hill College (Marnie and john Burke memorial library), Ulrichs Directory of periodicals, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, University of Oxford, University of Ozarks, University of Reading, University of texas at Austin, University of Minnesota
Matrix Remodelling in Coronary Artery Diseases |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS. Matrix Remodelling in Coronary Artery Diseases. Amala Research Bulletin 2007: 27; 255 – 262. |
1st |
Nat |
ACECR.Scientific information database, CAS Source Index (CASSI), CSIR-NISCAIR – Journal Gate way |
Effect of smoke shield a herbal formulation on the mutagenecity and oxidative stress produced by cigarette smoke in rats. |
Journal |
Swarnam J, Sreekanth KS, Hareesh P, Sabu MC, Kuttan R. Effect of smoke shield a herbal formulation on the mutagenecity and oxidative stress produced by cigarette smoke in rats. Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research 2005 ; 24(2): 297-304. |
2nd |
Int |
PubMed |
Micronutrients and trace elements in Acute Myocardial infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Micronutrients and trace elements in Acute Myocardial infarction. South Asian Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2004: 8; 216-230 |
1st |
Int |
Google, dotsquares |
Evaluation of C-reactive protein and other inflammatory markers in Acute Coronary Syndromes |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Evaluation of C-reactive protein and other inflammatory markers in Acute Coronary Syndromes. The Kuwait Medical Journal 2004: 36; 35-37. |
1st |
Int |
Pub Med Central |
Antioxidant activity of smoke Shield in vitro and in vivo. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Sabu MC, Leyon Varghese, Manesh C, Girija Kuttan, Ramadasan Kuttan. Antioxidant activity of smoke Shield in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2003, 55: 847-853. |
1st |
Int |
PubMed, Scopus, Medline, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Biotechnology Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Science Citation Index, Zetoc, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, CAB Abstracts, Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, Index Veterinarius |
Antioxidant Vitamins and trace elements in Acute Myocardial Infarction. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Antioxidant Vitamins and trace elements in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Amala Research Bulletin 2003: 23; 216-235. |
1st |
Nat |
ACECR.Scientific information database, CAS Source Index (CASSI), CSIR-NISCAIR – Journal Gate way |
Serum free iron in Acute Myocardial Infarction. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Serum free iron in Acute Myocardial Infarction. The Kuwait Medical Journal 2002: 34; 217-220. |
1st |
Int |
Pub Med Central |
Effect of S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide on lipid metabolism and free radical scavengers in alcohol fed rats |
Journal |
Bindu MP, Sreekanth KS, Annamalai PT, Augusti KT. Effect of S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide on lipid metabolism and free radical scavengers in alcohol fed rats, Current Science. 2002: 82; 628-631 |
2nd |
Int |
Web of Science, Current Contents, Geobase, Chemical Abstracts, IndMed and Scopus |
Studies on lipid profile and inflammatory markers in patients with acute myocardial infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT, Pradeep P, Sasidharan VK. Studies on lipid profile and inflammatory markers in patients with acute myocardial infarction. South Asian Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2002 |
1st |
Int |
Google, dotsquares |
Glutathione System in Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Glutathione System in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Amala Research Bulletin 2002: 22; 143-149. |
1st |
Nat |
ACECR.Scientific information database, CAS Source Index (CASSI), CSIR-NISCAIR – Journal Gate way |
Serum free iron in the course and pathogenesis of Acute Myocardial Infarction. |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Serum free iron in the course and pathogenesis of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Amala Research Bulletin 2001: 21; 28-32. |
1st |
Nat |
ACECR.Scientific information database, CAS Source Index (CASSI), CSIR-NISCAIR – Journal Gate way |
Hematological Parameters in Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Journal |
Sreekanth KS, Geevar Zachariah, Annamala PT. Hematological Parameters in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Amala Research Bulletin 2000: 20; 28-31 |
1st |
Nat |
ACECR.Scientific information database, CAS Source Index (CASSI), CSIR-NISCAIR – Journal Gate way |
Analysis of variation in body composition and total body water measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis on subjects suffering back pain with lumbar disc degeneration |
Proceedinds |
Sreeja CK. Meena Devi VN, Aneesh MK. Sreekanth KS. Analysis of variation in body composition and total body water measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis on subjects suffering back pain with lumbar disc degeneration. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Physics 2022. ISBN: 978-93-91342-32-6, Page 129-137 |
Other |
Nat |
-- |
A digital volume pulse device- Finger photo pulse Plethysmography to trace the vascular integrity among the low back pain subjects with lumbar disc degenerative
diseases diagnosed by MRI analysis |
Proceedings |
Sreeja CK. Meena Devi VN, Aneesh MK. Sreekanth KS. A digital volume pulse device- Finger photo pulse Plethysmography to trace the vascular integrity among the low back pain subjects with lumbar disc degenerative diseases diagnosed by MRI analysis Proceedings of the NSRP-23. ISBN No-978-81-952150-1-0. 2023. Page 599-603 |
Other |
Int |
-- |
Characterization of MRI Orthogonal Planes for the differential diagnosis of non-tumor brain lesions. |
Proceedings |
Smitha H. Meena Devi VN. Sreekanth KS. Characterization of MRI Orthogonal Planes for the differential diagnosis of non-tumor brain lesions. Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Technologies for sustainable Development 2023. 278-284.
Other |
Int |
-- |
Predictive Biomarkers of brain lesions characterized through Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth.K.S. Predictive Biomarkers of brain lesions characterized through Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. International Conference on Nanoscience and Photonics for Medical Applications (ICNPMA-2022). December 28-30, MAHE, Manipal 2022. |
1st |
Int |
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Collagen in Atherosclerotic progression and cardiovascular diseases |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. Collagen in Atherosclerotic progression and cardiovascular diseases. Proceedings of International Seminar on Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics (RBAT-III). University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. INDIA. 15th - 17th February 2017 |
1st |
Int |
-- |
Molecular and Cellular Changes of Coronary Artery Diseases |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. Molecular and Cellular Changes of Coronary Artery Diseases. Proceedings of29th Annual National Conference of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research (ISARCON 2016). Aster Medicity, Kochi, Kerala. 21st – 23rd October, 2016 |
1st |
Int |
-- |
miRNAs : The regulators of heart diseases and Therapeutic targets. |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. miRNAs : The regulators of heart diseases and Therapeutic targets. Proceedings of International Seminar on Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics (RBAT-II). University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.9th, 10th & 11th December 2015 |
1st |
Int |
-- |
Collagen and matrix degrading enzyme: Atherosclerosis progression and plaque rupture. |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. Collagen and matrix degrading enzyme: Atherosclerosis progression and plaque rupture. Proceedings of 28th Annual Symposium of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research & Innovations in Atherosclerosis and Cardiac Diseases. (ISARCON 2015). HIMSAR, New Delhi. 29- 31st October, 2015 |
1st |
Int |
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MicroRNAs: New therapeutic targets for heart diseases. |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. MicroRNAs: New therapeutic targets for heart diseases. Proceedings of 26th Annual Symposium of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research & Innovations in Atherosclerosis and Cardiac Diseases. (ISARCON 2013). Amala Cancer Research Centre & Amala Cardiac Centre, Thrissur, Kerala. November 22-23, 2013. |
1st |
Int |
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Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction. Proceedings of 24th Annual conference of the Indian Society for atherosclerosis Research & International CME 2011 (ISARCON 2011) – JIPMER ,Puducherry-605 006.24th & 25th September2011. |
1st |
Int |
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Effect of Smoking on Metalloproteinase activity in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Proceedings |
Sreekanth KS. Effect of Smoking on Metalloproteinase activity in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Proceedings of “23rd Annual conference of the Indian Society for atherosclerosis Research & International Symposium on Atherosclerosis- Bench to Bed Side”. University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 13-14 November , 2010. |
1st |
Int |
-- |
A digital volume pulse device-finger photo pulse plethysmography to trace the vascular integrity amongst the low back pain subjects with lumbar disc degenerative disease, diagnosed by MRI analysis. |
Journal |
CK Sreeja, VN Meena Devi, MK Aneesh , KS Sreekanth. A digital volume pulse device-finger photo pulse plethysmography to trace the vascular integrity amongst the low back pain subjects with lumbar disc degenerative disease, diagnosed by MRI analysis. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2024, 200 (11-12): 1163-1166 |
other |
Int |
SCI-e, Pub Med |
Evaluation of signal intensity of intra axial and extra axial brain tumor through the diagnosis of magnetic resonance imaging. |
Journal |
Smitha H, Meena Devi VN, Sreekanth KS. Evaluation of signal intensity of intra axial and extra axial brain tumor through the diagnosis of magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Biosciences. 2024, 7 (2) : 55-61. |
Other |
Int |

Topic |
Guest lecture / Oral / Poster / Convener of Workshop |
Name of the event |
Conference / CME / Workshop |
Venue |
Dates |
Level |
Perspectives for a Teaching Career in Medical Institutions |
Oral |
Biospark-24 |
National Seminar |
CPAS, Kottayam |
February 15th 2024 |
National |
Micro-RNAs in Cardiovascular Diseases |
Guest Lecture |
DELVE - 2023 |
Seminar |
MICRO- Hall, CPAS, Kottayam |
May 31st - 2023 |
State |
Research Designs-1 Selecting Appropriate Research Designs
Guest Lecture & Resource Person |
Research Methodology Workshop |
Workshop |
School of Allied Health Sciences, Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation & Medical University |
June 1st – 7, 2021 |
National |
Cell Cycle, Signaling, Apoptosis & Cancer |
Guest Lecture |
CBME – Lecture Series |
CME/Workshop |
SABV Govt. Medical College, Bangalore |
28th September, 2021 |
National |
Discussion Methods in Teaching, OSCE/OSPE and practical evaluation methods |
Guest Lecture & Resource Person |
Continuing Medical Education Programme on Organon of Medicine (UG), Module No.2 |
Workshop |
Sarada Krishna Homeo Medical College Hospital, Kulasekharam, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu. |
August 6-11, 2018 |
National |
Concept maps for meaningful learning |
Oral / Convener |
Bioconspectus 2018 |
Sree Gokulam Medical College & Research Foundation |
July 20, 2018 |
State |
Collagen in Atherosclerotic progression and cardiovascular diseases |
Guest Lecture |
Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics (RBAT-III) |
Conference |
Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala |
February 15-17, 2017 |
International |
Molecular and Cellular Changes of Coronary Artery Diseases |
Oral |
29th Annual National Conference of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research (ISARCON 2016) |
Conference |
Aster Medicity, Cochin, Kerala |
October 21-23, 2016 |
International |
miRNAs : The regulators of heart diseases and Therapeutic targets |
Oral |
International Seminar on Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics (RBAT-II) |
Conference |
Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala |
December 9-11, 2015 |
International |
Collagen and matrix degrading enzyme: Atherosclerosis progression and plaque rupture |
Oral |
28th Annual Symposium of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research & Innovations in Atherosclerosis and Cardiac Diseases. (ISARCON 2015) |
Conference |
Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), JAMIA HAMDARD, New Delhi |
October 29-31, 2015 |
International |
MicroRNAs: New therapeutic targets for heart diseases |
Oral |
26th Annual Symposium of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research & Innovations in Atherosclerosis and Cardiac Diseases. (ISARCON 2013) |
Conference |
Amala Cancer Research Centre & Amala Cardiac Centre, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA |
November 22-23, 2013 |
International |
Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction |
Oral |
24th Annual conference of the Indian Society for atherosclerosis Research & International CME 2011 (ISARCON 2011) |
Conference |
JIPMER ,Puducherry.INDIA
September 24 -25, 2011
International |
Effect of Smoking on Metalloproteinase activity in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. |
Guest Lecture |
“23rd Annual conference of the Indian Society for atherosclerosis Research & International Symposium on Atherosclerosis- Bench to Bed Side” |
Conference |
University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA |
November 13-14, 2010
International |
Atherosclerosis |
Guest Lecture |
Workshop & Training for Post graduate students |
Workshop & Training Programme |
Amala Institute of Medical Sciences |
March –April, 2010
State |
Antioxidants and Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Oral |
“Cardiovascular diseases secondary to the metabolic Disorder: Mechanism & therapy” |
Conference |
University of Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA
December 17-19, 2009 |
International |
Antioxidants in Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Poster |
International Society for Heart Research, Indian section |
Conference |
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala.
February 1-3, 2002 |
International |
Antioxidant Vitamins in AMI |
Oral |
14th annual conference of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research and International symposium on lipids and endothelial dysfunction |
Conference |
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, NEPAL
October 20-21, 2001 |
International |
Antioxidant enzymes in AMI |
Oral |
13th annual conference of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research and International symposium on preventive cardiology |
Conference |
SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA
November 25-26, 2000 |
International |

Research Projects
Project |
Completed / Ongoing |
Funded Y / N |
Collaborated Y / N |
Published Y / N |
Evaluation of serum pentosidine as a novel biochemical marker for diabetic retinopathy in patients with type-II diabetes mellitus. |
Completed |
N |
Y |
N |
Elucidation of Biomarkers for the Differential diagnosis of Brain lesions through Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by characterization of orthogonal planes |
Completed |
N |
Y |
Y |
Effectiveness of biophysical measurement of arterial stiffness and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the diagnosis of lumbar degenerative diseases |
Completed |
N |
Y |
Y |
A study of plasma Zn level and nutritional risk factors in children with pneumonia in the age group of 6 months to 5 years |
Completed |
N |
Y |
Y |
Atherogenic index and pattern of cholesterol variation in South Indian population – a future risk predictor
Completed |
N |
N |
Under Process |
Interference of Hemoglobin and its variants in serum protein electrophoresis and its implications
Completed |
N |
N |
Under Process |
Concept mapping , an innovative educational tool in learning Biochemistry |
Completed |
N |
N |
Y |
Effect of ascorbic acid on lung antioxidants in cigarette smoke exposed rats |
Completed |
Y |
N |
Y |
Vitamin E and its synthetic analogues as effective protectors of free radical injury to Mitochondrial Functions |
Completed |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Dietary vitamin E supplementation enriches hepatic mitochondria with protective levels of alpha tocopherol |
Completed |
Y |
Y |
Y |
A Clinical Study of Lipid profiles in Hospital Population of Andhra Pradesh |
Completed |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Evaluation of the role of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Oxidative stress in the Pathogenesis and Course of Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Completed |
Y |
N |
Y |
Serum calcium and intercalating agents as an index of atherosclerotic lesion progression and staging |
Completed |
Y |
N |
Under Process |
Effect Smoke Shield a herbal formulation on the oxidative stress produced by cigarette smoke in rats |
Completed |
Y |
Y |
Y |